Every breath you take / I’ll be missing you (Sting / P. Diddy :) - Oberstufenchor Cusanus Gymnasium
Live-Mitschnitt des Schulkonzertes „Musik im Cusanus“ - 12. und 13. Juni 2014 in der Stadthalle Erkelenz - Oberstufenchor. Leitung: Michael Forg
Das gesamte Konzert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=046fj9_Dcqo
Live recording of the school-concert "Music at the Cusanus", performed on June 12. and 13./ 2014 at the cityhall of Erkelenz by the Cusanus- Student-Choir, conducted by Michael Forg
The full concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=046fj9_Dcqo
Sound: Wilfried Venedey, studio190
Video: Holger Siedler
Here our new song on youtube "Free your mind" :-)
... thank you, around the world, for all your comments in the last years!