Qi Gong Breathing: 7 Minutes to calm body and mind
Instructions on Qi Gong Breathing combined with a few simple and effective movements to calm body and mind. This Qi Gong practice involves breathing, intention and movement. If you have problems with high blood pressure, this is the simplest and cheapest way to support your heart.
For the beginning stay focused on your breath throughout these 7 minutes.
Once your breathing is naturally synchronized with your movements, actively look for relaxation throughout each and every movement. If you think your body is relaxed already, go deeper and try relax each organ. If you think the organs are relaxed, settle your mind.
"Movement is the consequence of Qi. Qi follows intention. Intention is directed with the mind."
Every year there are several retreats that are taking place in the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺, the monastery where I am living.
A retreat can either be a 3-day Retreat (Friday - Sunday) or a 6-day Retreat (Monday - Saturday). Every retreat is held under a specific topic, such as: Gong Fu, Qi Gong (e.g. Ba Duan Jin, Yi Jin Jing, 13 Luohan), Meditation retreats and Rou Quan retreats.
If you are interested in joining any of these retreats, please take a look at all dates that are published on the website of the monastery:
➡️ Website: http://www.SHAOLINTEMPLE.eu
➡️ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/shaolintemple.europe
More videos and Online Trainings are available on:
➡️ Website: http://www.shihengyi.online
➡️ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/shihengyi.online
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There's a final point for all of these practices:
Increase your life quality: Get less sick, Regenerate faster, Improve your vitality, Increase your health! Better sleep, less anxiety, more joy!
Enjoy your training!
#ShaolinTempleEurope #ShiHengYi #QiGong