‘Unanimous’ condemnation of Biden among British MPs
There is “unanimous” condemnation of US President Joe Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal among British MPs, according to The Heritage Foundation’s Margaret Thatcher Centre Director Nile Gardiner.
“The House of Commons condemned President Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan situation just days ago and MPs were queuing up actually to condemn Joe Biden’s lack of leadership,” he told Sky News Australia.
“I think parliamentary opinion was very divided over Donald Trump, whereas over Joe Biden, I think there is unanimous condemnation of Biden's actions here.
“And it’s not just coming from the Conservative Party, it’s coming from the Labour Party and the Liberals.
“So you won’t find many British MPs who are actually supporting Joe Biden at this time.
“In fact, I think no US president in modern times has been more attacked and criticised by British lawmakers than Joe Biden.
“Biden is viewed as an absolutely clueless leader.”