Prinz Pi - Meine Welt (Eine Dokumentation)
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An EASYdoesit production
In association with Apple Music & Keine Liebe Records
Directed by - Mario Clement
Director of Photography - Clemens Krüger
Editor - Aleko Gotscheff
Music Composition - Valentin Hansen
Head of Production - Sebastian Von Gumpert
Executive Producer - Gregor Möllers
Producers - Emma Borg, Marie Zeller & Katharina Hingst
Production Assistant - Till Sander
Gaffer - David Schmitt
Electrician - Malte Siepen
1. AC - Tobias Bloier
2. AC - Dennis Glomm
Sound - Christoph Schwarzer & Christian „Cosmo“ Bornkessel
Sound Design - Moritz Staub
Title Design - Andreas Hofstetter
Color Grading - Arri Mitte
Assistant Editor - Thoke Daetz Beck
2nd Unit Dop - Dimitri Hempel
Live Camera Operators - Adam Graf & Christoph Szulecki
2nd Unit 1. AC Florian Reeh
2nd Unit 2.AC - Philip Hoch
Equipment Supplier - Cinegate Berlin
Film Supplier & Developer - Anden Filmtechnik
Featuring Prinz Pi as Himself