10 Tattoo DO's and DON'Ts!!! How To Avoid BAD Tattoos | Alex Costa
Watch this before you EVER think about getting a tattoo!
● VIDEO OF MY TATTOOS: http://bit.ly/3bQcEvu
● LEVEL UP COMMUNITY - http://bit.ly/LevelUpCosta
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Topic of discussion: If you're thinking about getting a tattoo now, or later in life, you need to watch this ASAP.
I love tattoos! I have about 10 of them on my body. BUT, whenever I see a guy with a bad tattoo, or a HUGE sleeve, or face tattoo, I just cringe! It's not worth it... remember that tattoos are for life!
The thing is, tattoos are becoming more and more common nowadays. I know way more ppl with tattoos, than ppl without them, ppl that have no tattoos, so that says something. Tattoos are very popular. But before you pull the trigger and get marked for life, you should definitely watch this video because instead of being something fun and cool, a bad tattoo is going to haunt you for the rest of your life.
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